Sin is at the very core man’s nature. It made him lose his bearings. It confused him with respect to his time, his place, his identity and his destiny in the divine and eternal scheme of things.
True Discipleship – Disciples Indeed are Free Indeed
True Disciples have an intimate relationship with Jesus the Truth, whom they follow closely. Are you a disciple indeed? Are you free, indeed?
Just Do It…!
Surely you can dream. Someone said we ought to be building castles in the air, because we progress by the ideas we have. But you need to act. ACT! It is so simple, but it can make the difference between success and failure, and even life and death.
Forgiveness – Loving Others as Christ Loved Us
We all face challenges with people, but it is those to whom we are closest that their offences do get to the heart. Sometimes we hear people say things like, ‘Do you know what he did to me? No, I cannot forgive.’
Pornography – Snakes Disguised as Beautiful Twines
Years ago, a pastor friend tried to introduce me to pornographic videos. He said, “It is sex education, it would help you to be sexually more effective in your marriage.” He wanted to be a blessing to my marriage!
Between Toiling All Night and Waiting for His Word
There are times in our lives when we need to wait on the Lord rather than toil all night, leaning on our own understanding. We will wait because we trust Him completely and expect to get a word from Him. We will wait because we are assured that He will guide us in the right paths beyond our knowledge and understanding. We will wait, knowing that He loves us and He has our best interest at heart.
Your Life As An Integral Whole
Do you ever think about life, what it is all about, or more specifically about your own life, why you were born? I believe that from time to time we should take out moments to contemplate our lives.
You were wired to do well in all departments of life. You do not have to settle for just some part of it. For blessed people, ‘in ALL they do, they prosper’. Improvement and success in life must be planned to be achieved, they do not just happen.
Imitators of God
Children are fascinating, and we were all children earlier in our lives. Some of us might remember times when, as children, we tried to imitate our parents. We would put on their shoes or clothes, which were many times bigger than our tiny feet and little frames, and plod around gesticulating like them.
Peter Walked on Water
Is God leading you in a direction you have never taken before, or He wants you to do something new, which you consider impossible and to you, it is like attempting to walk on water? You too can ‘walk on water’ as Peter did. I mean you can do the impossible and achieve the incredible.
A Deeper Faith: The Practice of His Presence
When desperate situations we believe God should handle quickly in our lives would not just go away, instead, they persist month-in, month-out and perhaps year-in, year-out, how do we handle that?
I recollect the story a friend told me about someone she talked with who said she wanted to have the kind of faith Abraham had. My friend asked her if she would also want to wait for several years to have the results of the exercise of that faith. The young woman raised one of her hands, circling it above her head and snapping her fingers in the characteristic Nigerian swearing gesticulation. She exclaimed God forbid!